At Cornerstone Bible Church our goal is for children to know God’s love and receive it! We want the children who come through CBC to grow into servants of the Lord who shine the light of Christ to all those around them!

Our kids meet regularly during the week on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Throughout the year we host various children’s events for our church and community such as Vacation Bible School, the Annual Christmas Play, Back to School Bash, and many other fun events. Please see the events page and our Facebook page for upcoming events.

Please feel free to contact John Smith if you have any questions! We can’t wait to meet you and your family!

CHILDREN'S SUnday SChool & CHildren’s CHurch

During the Sunday School @ 9:30am we dive in head first studying faithful people in the bible and learning how to be like them!

During Children’s Church @ 10:30am we teach the kids to put their faith into action and work on bible literacy skills.


Night Program

On Wednesday nights @ 7pm our goal is to equip the kids with the spiritual armor needed to walk through this world. The kids participate in various games and activities meant to improve their understanding of the bible and its purpose and they study different stories of the bible!



On Sundays, our nursery is open for Newborns up to 4 years old. In the nursery, the children sing fun songs of the faith, learn stories of the bible, and always have a fun activity! We love our nursery and the wonderful volunteers who serve there each Sunday!

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 (NIV)